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The magical white stone wonderland with effervescent bathing pools
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From a distance, Pamukkale looks every bit like a ski resort, with a cascade of brilliant white slopes and a scattering of tourists at the top, seemingly preparing to slalom down into the valley below.

So why isnft it melting away as midsummer temperatures nudge toward 100 Fahrenheit, or 37 Celsius, and the heat hangs in the shimmering air?

Because this unusual and beautiful wonder, located deep in the sunkissed hills of southwestern Turkey, isnft snow at all. In fact the water itfs formed from sometimes spurts out of the ground at boiling point.

And those visitors milling around its upper reaches arenft going anywhere fast. Most are here to take in the extraordinary spectacle and either paddle or soak in some of the planetfs most photogenic pools.

Today, Pamukkalefs travertine limestone slopes and pools, filled with milky blue mineral water, are perfect for Instagram moments, especially as the magic hour evening sun casts their rippled surfaces in hues of pink.

Gateway to Hell
But this place was a tourist sensation thousands of years before social media, as first Greeks, then Romans flocked here for the thermal waters and to pay tribute at what was revered as a gateway to Hell.

Today, Pamukkale and the ancient city of Hierapolis, which sprawls across the plateau above the white terraces, are part of a UNESCO World Heritage site that pulls in coachloads of visitors. Typically, many visit for a couple of hours, but itfs worth spending at least a day in this geological and historical playground.

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